Joanna Ilboudo

Dr. Joanna Ilboudo is a founder and Senior Advisor for ACTS-Burkina Faso. The ACTS programs for literacy, micro enterprise, writers training and primary and secondary education have provided her a wealth of experience and wisdom regarding leadership development. She is also the Executive Secretary of PACWA, the women commission of AEA. She has written and published the following books: Pitié pour ma soeur, Au nom de la foi, Destinée via adversité, Et si toute ma vie était louange!, Parcours de Femmes. In 2016 she was chosen to represent the evangelical church in Burkina Faso on the National Elections Committee.

ALS Role

Joanna Ilboudo served as an external advisor and consultant for the Africa Leadership Study, and met regularly with the larger leadership team. She brought her firsthand experience of the challenges faced by women leaders in Francophone Africa to the conversation.
